After twelve years of living in an urban environment you’d think I would have picked up a little common sense. Things like – don’t take a long walk on trash pick up day. But, alas, when I set out on my morning walk I didn’t look at the calendar. What does Atlanta smell like? Not magnolias.
I was walking and trying to contemplate where I’m heading in my current WIP, Wild Iris. Deciding the ultimate fate of a secondary character requires both voodoo and logic. The character’s life hangs in the balance and I have ultimate power. (imagine maniacal laugh) So, I’m powerwalking along trying not to breath too deeply while singing along with Britney Spears “Toxic” and what do I almost stumble into?
A dead cat. Which makes me unbearably sad. And, since it’s a voodoo and not logic kind of day, it also presages the ultimate fate of my character. He’ll be pushing up daisies instead of smelling roses. Or trash.
Thank You, Burpees
11 years ago